Sinfonía completa, 18 x 27,5 cm, ink on newspaper, 2016

De herkomst (with detail), 27,4 x 13,3, ink on newspaper, 2013

The central object, 13 x 20 cm, ink on magazine, 2012

Speciale (China), 19 x 29 cm, ink on newspaper, 2012

Spaarzaam (with detail), 25,5 x 16 cm, ink on newspaper, 2011

Narativa Moscú (with detail), 22.5 x 19,5 cm, ink and correction fluid on newspaper, 2011

Dat Nederland (with detail), 26 x 28 cm, ink on newspaper, 2011

Monumentaal intiem (with detail), 40.4 x 29.4 cm, ink on newspaper, 2010

Inquietante (with detail), 25 x 29 cm, ink on newspaper, 2010

El Cairo, 13 x 17 cm, ink on newspaper, 2003

Inmensa malsana, (with detail), 30.5 x 28 cm, ink and correction fluid on newspaper, 2002

En su libro Dream,11,5x16,3cm, ink on newspaper, 2016